quantum leap into something unknowable and very different. an even greater scandal involving an american president when a white staffer revealed one of washington s most damming secrets. are you aware of the listening devices of the oval office of the president s? i was aware of listening devices. i would say the closest watergate parallel is when alexander butter field, an official went before the committee and said there are tapes of conversations in the white house. that just changed everything. yet, it seems there is never been a raid like this one in history. one that targeted a president s personal lawyer. i have to believe that a search like this which is so
whether or not their president s a crook. well, i am not a crook. but the taping system became public when alexander butter field confirmed its existence. are you aware of any listening devices in the oval office of the president? i was aware of listening devices. yes, sir. the tapes ultimately led to richard s resignation to avoid a full impeachment. when asked by barbara walters why he didn t destroy the tapes, nixon had this to say. are you sorry you didn t destroy the tape snz. yes, i think so because they were private tapes subject to interpretation. mr. trump has yet to swla he
was shut down in the summer of 1973. the american people, press or media didn t know anything about the taping systems until alexander butter field, a white house aid in july of 1973 told the senate watergate committee, told the staff that there was a taping system. at that point, richard nixon had the opportunity to destroy the tapes and decided not to. as for the one on one dinner between comey at the white house, there was no none systems to tape conversations. they say the president can bring in a recording device or have an aid take notes on the information but it s unlikely he would. could comey tape the conversations on his end? we have no information from the fbi. that will only be allowed if the president himself is under investigation which trump says he s not, and if the fbi chief got a warn to tape him.