Legendary Nigerian comedian, Ali Baba, and veteran actress Shola Shobowale led the train of winners at the maiden edition of the Nigeria Comedy Awards. The event which took place at the Eko convention centre, Lagos on the 24th of September featured renowned comedians in the industry, such as Samuel Perry aka Broda Shagi, Adewale Debo…
2020 has been a very eventful year. First the Covid-19 pandemic hit, closely followed by Nigeria shutting its borders and imposing a nationwide lockdown and curfew.
The Nigerian entertainment scene was also filled with several dramas during these trying times. From D’banj losing an endorsement deal following a rape allegation to Funke Akindele getting arrested, below are our top five celebrity controversial moments.
1. Funke Akindele Getting Arrested After Her Throwing A Party During Lockdown
With the coronavirus pandemic, the entire country had to deal with a unique challenge. Lockdown measures were put down in Nigeria to curb the spread of the virus.