6:00 PM January 20, 2021
9:12 AM January 21, 2021
One Norfolk couple feel safe enough to book up a holiday to Dubai once they ve been vaccinated, and if coronavirus restrictions are lifted.
- Credit: Archant
A Norfolk couple are among those who say they do feel safe enough to take a trip abroad once they ve been vaccinated, if restrictions are lifted.
Paul and Jeannette Nichols, pictured on holiday in Crete. They are booking up a dream wedding anniversary celebration in Dubai for June, feeling safe enough to do so once they ve had the vaccine.
- Credit: Jeannette Nichols
Jeannette Nichols, 71, from Hingham and husband Paul, 72, are hoping to be next in line to receive the vaccine against coronavirus. And in preparation, they are booking a longed-for holiday to Dubai to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary, postponed from last year.