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Photo courtesy of Vinya Wines
Allegra Angelo Sommelier for Vinya Wines 266 Miracle Mile, Coral Gables 305-203-4228 Sommelier Allegra Angelo has seemingly lived nine lives everywhere from the West Coast to the Northeast before settling in Miami. Since 2019, her love of wine, food, and community is on display at Vinya Wines, where she works alongside founder Nicholas Garcia as in-house sommelier. Angelo has been honing her craft for 15 years, developing more than 20 unique wine-and-spirit programs across the nation and working with local staples, including Mignonette, Stiltsville Fish Bar, and Café La Trova. Angelo s work doesn’t end in the dining room while serving as sommelier for La Mar and Mandarin Oriental, she worked wine harvests in Burgundy, Tuscany, and Spain. She has passed all levels of the Master Sommelier Exam and is preparing to retake the tasting portion this year a top honor for any wine pro. During COVID, Angelo has been conducting Zoom wine tasti
Rand Paul: There’s a Great Deal of Voter Fraud and It’s Not the First Time
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KILMEADE: “You think the election was stolen, you tweeted out?”
PAUL: “Absolutely. I think there’s a great deal of fraud and it’s not the first time. I mean, you know the famous story of LBJ, he’s got scotch in one hand, illegal votes in a shoe box in the other and he turns them at midnight and they say, ‘Uh oh, your opponent turned his in 2 hours later and won the election.’ He said, ‘Arg, never again,’ he says. So he comes back 2 years later, and he says we are not turning our illegal votes in until my opponent has turned in all of his illegal votes. It’s been going on. My dad had an election stolen in 1976. But the only way you fix it is the courts will not hear you after the election. That’s what we are fighting now. It’s the way it’s always been. You got to go back and you got to police the election, you got to elect the secretary of state who won’t lie, ch