Hello and welcome across the uk where all things are considered on Peter Lavelle is anyone safe in the era of the wrong Bank Conservatives r. T. Platform the monetized and shadow ben those were the easy ones now the mob is turning on its own wrong thing demands conformity and does not bring a set is freedom of speech now only for the walk. Theres guys this and more im joined by my guest David Freiheit in montreal hes a practicing attorney and you tube and in washington and we cross like ricos interest he is an adjunct professor of legislative politics at the George Washington university and the Health Care Law originally crossed out rules in effect that means in japanese i want i also appreciate it ok lets go to david 1st in montreal very broadly speaking you know weve been seeing a lot of deep plot forming democratization south platforming all kinds of things going on and we can talk about some of the specifics but is this a cultural revolution or we have a cause a cultural revolution
Hello and welcome across the uk where all things are considered im Peter Lavelle is anyone safe in the area of wrong conservatives r. T. Platform the monetized and shadow ben those were the easy ones now the mob is turning on its own wrong thing demands conformity and does not bring a sense is freedom of speech now only for the walk. Theres guys this and more im joined by my guest david frei. In montreal hes a practicing attorney and you tube and in washington we prosecute like ricos risk he is an adjunct professor of legislative politics at the George Washington university and the Health Care Law originally cost up close and i think that means you can jump any time you want but i also appreciate it ok lets go to david 1st in montreal very broadly speaking you know weve been seeing a lot of deep plot forming the monetization so the platforming all kinds of things going on and we can talk about some of the specifics but is this a cultural revolution that we have a cause a cultural revol
Washington university and a Health Care Law originally crossed out rules in effect that means in japanese i want i also appreciate it ok lets go to david 1st in montreal very broadly speaking you know weve been seeing a lot of deep platforming democratization south platforming all kinds of things going on and we can talk about some of the specifics but is this a cultural revolution or we have a cause a cultural revolution or had i dont know that its a cultural revolution is a is a loaded term its a big term i hear people using it i hear people comparing this to the french revolution so the fall of rome a lot of sort of i wont say exaggerated talk a lot of lofty talk whether or not its that serious theres definitely a pendulum swing and its definitely swinging very far to whichever side i just see using example but its swinging hard to one side right now where people are getting punished i think excessively for what some would feel to be minor indiscretions. Like theyre always character
Become an important voice and how to emerge from looked at you with your Mental Health. She has an eye in conversation. Amoco me when we last spoke we were right in the middle of the lot dont period then you would talk about the very very particular pressures on people at that stage of these pressures developed over the last few months i mean personally i think ive intensified and i think theyve intensified the lots of quite common sense reasons so the economy is really struggling and people have lost their jobs and this is equally more permanent the the way the lockdowns gone from a temporary measure to something that feels like its almost permanent and then the fact that services have been crippled to some degree because access has been tonight in lots of different areas where Mental Health is concerned i think that people really are struggling because something that felt like it was going to be quite temporary experiences felt become past a permanent fixture so yeah i definitely say
Theres guys this and more im joined by my guest David Freiheit in montreal hes a practicing attorney and you tube and in washington we crossed like ricos interest he is an adjunct professor of legislative politics at the George Washington university and the Health Care Law originally crossed out rules in effect that means in japanese i want i also appreciate it ok lets go to david 1st in montreal very broadly speaking you know weve been seeing a lot of deep plot forming the monetizations platforming all kinds of things going on and we can talk about some of the specifics but is this a cultural revolution that we have a cause a cultural revolution or had it i dont know that its a cultural revolution is a is a loaded term its a big term i hear people using it i hear people comparing this to the french revolution so the fall of rome a lot of sort of i wont say exaggerated talk a lot of lofty talk whether or not its that serious theres definitely a pendulum swing and its definitely swingin