Rhodes has been relentlessly scorched for eight days and Greek authorities were continuing to evacuate new areas on Tuesday afternoon as Brits continued to flee the idyllic island.
her heart. no-one has ever been held to account for the killing her heart. no-one has ever been held to account for the killing of her heart. no-one has ever been held to account for the killing of alex - to account for the killing of alex head s father and he believes the uk government s legacy bill won t help. how does it feel to know that the law, in a few months time, will be changed? it’s law, in a few months time, will be chanced? , , law, in a few months time, will be chanced? h , ., ., changed? it s very discouraging and it is heartbreaking changed? it s very discouraging and it is heartbreaking to changed? it s very discouraging and it is heartbreaking to be changed? it s very discouraging and it is heartbreaking to be honest - changed? it s very discouraging and it is heartbreaking to be honest to l it is heartbreaking to be honest to know that the government will change the law, which in essence introduces a hierarchy ofjustice. what we are really saying is,
recall that we felt the impact of this dependence during the winter when freak cold weather hit spain and north africa, contributing to the severe shortage of salad vegetables on uk supermarket shelves. it s sometimes implied that tackling climate change is divorced from everyday concerns that global warming is a long term problem, while inflation and rising bills are a problem for the here and now. but science and economics increasingly suggest a connection. joining us in the studio now is chef, entrepreneur and ceo of the social pantry, alex head. how concerned how concerned are how concerned are you about these stories? it how concerned are you about these stories? , . ., stories? it is difficult for the hospitality stories? it is difficult for the hospitality industry - stories? it is difficult for the hospitality industry who i stories? it is difficult for the | hospitality industry who have stories? it is difficult for the i hospitality industry who have faced endless challen