samantha is the 19th administrator of the u.s. agency for international development. she was an international fellows here and 2000 2001 working for them unknown or little-known senator named barack obama. her career really in many ways captures the essence of the program. along government academia and journalism samantha was the 28th to the united nations she taught at harvard was a founding member meant she has also authored several books. at least one of which i believe has won a pulitzer. it is a real pleasure for us to welcome her today. as a personal pleasure, samantha and i go back decades we used to be colleagues. presiding today will be margaret is the managing editor for politics it xes also political analyst for cnn. among other things the past she was a senior white house correspondent for bloomberg news. she is the past president of the white house correspondents association. you are in extraordinarily good hands with the administrator and i want to thank the