YLASA supports STPF’s demand DIMAPUR Yimkhiung Liberü Arihako Shamator Area (YLASA) has supported Shamator Town Public Forum (STPF) in their demand for deployment of adequate manpower and medical facilities at community health centre (CHC) in Shamator. YLASA has accused the government of neglecting the public of Shamator by not deploying adequate manpower to man the CHC, Shamator. While highlighting the plight of the public, YLASA urged the department to lean their ears and hear the cry of poor patients of Shamator district by addressing the grievances at the earliest. NSCN (Khango) terminates deputy secretary NSCN (Khango) has terminated its deputy secretary, Athrichum Sangtam, from the active and primary membership of Naga national service with immediate effect. The termination letter was issued by the chief secretary as per the Ahza (order) vide memo No. CS-XIX/ CASE-01/2023-24, dated 6th June2023. The deputy secretary was terminated allegedly for breaching the ‘party d
Dimapur, June 6 (MExN): The NSCN (IM) has expressed shock to learn about the demise of two Naga Army Officers- Lieutenant Colonel Alex Achumi from Sumi Region, posted at Jadonang Brigade, Naga Army and Colonel Ngachonshim Shimray, from WTR and posted at G