Pistoia abre en San Martín un punto de información turística
El alcalde de la urbe italiana, que celebra también el Año Santo jacobeo, inaugura hoy la oficina // Habrá una degustación de productos de la región Peregrinación en la Catedral de Pistoia, donde se venera un hueso de la mandíbula del Apóstol Santiago, donado por el arzobispo Gelmírez en el siglo XII.
Foto: Diócesis Pistoia
La ciudad italiana de Pistoia abrirá hoy un punto de información turística en la capital gallega. La relación de esta urbe con Compostela se remonta al siglo XII, cuando el obispo Diego Gelmírez regaló a esta diócesis una reliquia del Apóstol, un pequeño hueso de la mandíbula extraído del sepulcro del Zebedeo, motivo por el que en la Toscana tomó fuerza el culto jacobeo.
Guy Uses Modern Software To Restore The Faces Of Julius Caesar And 23 Other People From Ancient History
Roman General And Statesman Julius Caesar
For many of us, history used to be a bit of a boring topic in school. But, over the years, it has become clear that it wasn’t the topic itself, but the way it was presented it just didn’t appeal to the younger audience.
Now, if someone was to show the 10-year-old me pictures of reconstructed faces of famous people from antiquity, which were restored using the miracle of modern technology, then I would have been much more interested in studying the past!
For many of us, history used to be a bit of a boring topic in school. But, over the years, it has become clear that it wasn’t the topic itself, but the way it was presented it just didn’t appeal to the younger audience.
Now, if someone was to show the 10-year-old me pictures of reconstructed faces of famous people from antiquity, which were restored using the miracle of modern technology, then I would have been much more interested in studying the past!
Speaking of which, Alessandro Tomasi is doing that exact thing reconstructing the faces of famous people from ancient times, and so far, he’s done quite a few of them!
For many of us, history used to be a bit of a boring topic in school. But, over the years, it has become clear that it wasn’t the topic itself, but the way it was presented it just didn’t appeal to the younger audience.
Now, if someone was to show the 10-year-old me pictures of reconstructed faces of famous people from antiquity, which were restored using the miracle of modern technology, then I would have been much more interested in studying the past!
Speaking of which, Alessandro Tomasi is doing that exact thing reconstructing the faces of famous people from ancient times, and so far, he’s done quite a few of them!