03/07/2023 - La School of Disruption, in collaborazione con la International Space University, e Liquifer Systems Group, ha concluso con grande successo un workshop di architettura spaziale tenutosi nella splendida Villa Sassonia di Lugano. Il workshop ha riunito 17 partecipanti provenienti da 15 Pa.
Other photos. We are living in an era characterized by the consumerist voracity of man, who, due to his insatiable bulimia is completely altering the appearance of the planet: according to Prof. Ron Milo, an Israeli researcher of the Weizmann Institute of Science, the mass of industry-made materials equals the biomass, while the mass of our natural heritage has been practically reduced by almost half. In 2020, the global human-made mass surpassed all living biomass reaching 8 billion tons of plastic, exactly double the body mass of the entire animal population. Objects produced by man weigh more than those created by nature. And if we consider, as this study suggests, that “
CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati and a team led by Australian real estate group Lendlease have imagined the new science campus of the University of Milan. The proposed project, a winning entry from the international competition will extend over 190,000 square meters and is due to open in 2025.
Serving almost 23,000 researchers and students specializing in natural and formal sciences at the University of Milan, the design of the newest campus addition is developed by CRA in collaboration with architect Italo Rota. “
Exploring how a historical institution of higher education can be transformed for the digital age”, the winning proposal is located in the MIND-Milano Innovation District, an innovation park whose masterplan was also developed by CRA, on the site where Expo 2015 was held. Created around a network of green courtyards, a series of uninterrupted walking paths, and five brick buildings, the campus also encompasses a large central square with an adjacent lake.