After a Bad Break Up, Tarot Dispelled My Anxiety
What happens when you experience a disquiet even the cards can t predict? DESIGN BY INGRID FRAHMGetty Images
My initial dalliance with tarot happened when my first proper relationship was nearing its end. The reading was done via a three-card spread.
Three of Swords.
The card of heartbreak flipped first. Fitting really. My (then) boyfriend of three or so years abruptly called it quits, and I needed
wanted answers he couldn’t seem to give. Being a child of the millennial era and the daughter of a God-fearing immigrant, I, of course, believed, more so then, that all things had meaning. And should I want earnestly and deeply enough, the desires of my heart would be granted. After all, my boyfriend and I had just indulged in a pricey, romantic birthday dinner. This had to be a blip in an otherwise beautiful love song. Nothing some cosmic intervention couldn’t fix. The next message would be better.