EAS Cooper tells an unusually gripping tale of his time spent living with the Inuit on Greenland's coast and his adventure to track down a note left by David Haig-Thomas
The Leigh Delamere solar farm site from Eden Renewables Huge solar farms planned near Chippenham are dividing communities. Two parish councils have bucked the trend of objecting to the schemes - by supporting them, despite considerable local opposition. Eden Renewables has put in a planing application for a 220 acre solar farm at Leigh Delamere - just after it submitted another bid for the 200 acre site at Forest Gate. Stanton St Quinton Parish Council voted unanimously to oppose the Leigh Delamere application followed by a unanimous rejection from Yatton Keynell parish council. The Chair of the meeting roundly criticised Eden for their complete failure to engage or consult with anyone in Stanton St Quinton, which is on one of the proposed routes for construction vehicles to access the development site at Leigh Delamere.
The Leigh Delamere solar farm site from Eden Renewables Huge solar farms planned near Chippenham are dividing communities. Two parish councils have bucked the trend of objecting to the schemes - by supporting them, despite considerable local opposition. Eden Renewables has put in a planing application for a 220 acre solar farm at Leigh Delamere - just after it submitted another bid for the 200 acre site at Forest Gate. Stanton St Quinton Parish Council voted unanimously to oppose the Leigh Delamere application followed by a unanimous rejection from Yatton Keynell parish council. The Chair of the meeting roundly criticised Eden for their complete failure to engage or consult with anyone in Stanton St Quinton, which is on one of the proposed routes for construction vehicles to access the development site at Leigh Delamere.