RIYADH: The Saudi stock market began Tuesday’s session on a positive note, after oil prices rose further in the early hours of the day. The main index, TASI, edged up 0.28 percent at 12,565, while the parallel Nomu started flat at 21,517, as of 10:06 a.m. Saudi time. In energy trading, Brent crude increased to $104.28 a barrel, while US West Texas Intermediate reached $96.67 a
RIYADH: The Saudi stock market ended Tuesday’s session on a downward note, with oil prices tumbling following a steep rise. The Tadawul All Share Index dipped 0.6 percent at 12,455, while the parallel market, Nomu, advanced 0.39 percent at 21,595. Oil giant Saudi Aramco ended the session with a 0.78 percent decline, while Methanol Chemicals Co. dropped 1.41 percent. In the
RIYADH: Saudi stocks moved higher in the early trading hours of Monday, with oil prices staying above $100 per barrel. The Tadawul All Share Index began 0.29 percent higher at 12,562, while the parallel Nomu fell 0.22 percent at 21,714 as of 10:08 a.m. Saudi time. Oil giant Saudi Aramco started the session with a 0.39 percent gain, while Methanol Chemicals Co. added 0.51
RIYADH: The Saudi stock market mimicked global counterparts with stocks ending almost flat on Monday, as investors worry about inflation-related economic slowdowns. The Tadawul All Share Index ended at 12,530, while the parallel Nomu fell 1.16 percent at 21,510. Oil giant Saudi Aramco ended the session with a 0.65 percent decline, while Methanol Chemicals Co. declined 0.13
RIYADH: Saudi stocks slipped on Tuesday, tracking a trend in the region as market sentiment remained negative due to continued recession fears and oil volatility. TASI finished the session 1.1 percent lower at 12,420, while the parallel Nomu fell 0.8 percent to 21,562. The Qatari index underperformed Gulf peers as it dropped 1.5 percent, while Abu Dhabi and Dubai lost 0.2 and