In a recent episode of "Street Alcohol Fighter 2," Super Junior Heechul revealed to YouTuber Poongja who his ideal type is― and most of you would probably have the same reaction as Poongja.
#슈퍼주니어 #SUPERJUNIOR #Callin #TheRoad Winter for Spring #The Road Keep on Going
#Dont Wait #HEECHUL #KimHeechul #SuperJuniorHeechul #StreetAlcoholFighter #술트리트파이터 #Poongja #idealtype
In a broadcast, Super Junior Siwon and Shindong made viewers laugh when they recalled an incident with Heechul that led to a fight, and it was due to this hilarious reason.
#SuperJunior #Heechul #Siwon #Shindong
Heechul is receiving flak after attending the elections while wearing this certain piece of clothing. He also made a shocking gesture seemingly signaling support to a particular candidate.
#SuperJunior #Heechul #KimHeechul