bob: 2-2 again. %%- big ook. j.d. martin with a knee buckler for his fourth strikeout. rob: right there you see him pull the string, go right elbow, over the left knee, follow through, and venebl has no chance. bob: fastball for a strike to headley. that was a power curveball, the pitch track. nick conley coming up with two outs. it s just the 8:00 hour here in san diego. thanks for staying up with us on masn 2. the nats are trying to draw back even in the series tonight, but runs are hard to come by here. and for some reason, the paw trays have just mastered padres have just mastered the nationals over the five-year life of our franchise. 1-5 in 05 and 06. 1-5 again last year. 2-2 so far this year. zimmerman dives, and he can t come up with it cleanly, and a base hit all the way for nick huntley, giving him a 9-game hitting streak. rob: we re surprised when ryan doesn t make a play like this. rob: well, that ball just gets up on him a little quicker than h