A. Bridesmaid never. To. Speak. To. The. River but over the last few months you may have taken some holidays had a summer it s also been wonderful or you may be looking forward to going away or you might. Even be thinking I need some time to take a shower I want to go do something different but I m not sure why they say you could spend the night in a chocolate cottage signs you take us but it is a real thing there s a $193.00 square foot cabin made entirely of chocolate in from it s I mean we know the French do some good chocolates don t waste so it s completely out of all it can accommodate for gas it s it s. Designed and manufactured by. Here really and it features everything walls. Even a chocolate the layer lots of the items a in the college are actually added. Guests can experience a white chocolate on the chocolate. Is your thing they say is a thing for you although maybe just leave behind the curling irons the hair dryers the so. Do something to me. I talk about the b f b s s