Ministrja e Turizmit dhe Mjedisit Mirela Kumbaro ka folur dje për punën e ekipit të Ministrisë së Turizmit dhe Mjedisit në kuadër të angazhimit për përmbushjen e direktivave të kapitullit të 27 për integrimin në Bashkim Europian që i kushtohet mjedisit
More than 100 people injured due to firing of pepper spray, some of them in critical condition At the behest of the religious fascism ruling Iran, this
OIAC condemns the attack on Ashraf 3 in Albania on June 20, 2023. This attack by more than 1000 Albanian policy is in clear violation of international law.
OIAC condemns the attack on Ashraf 3 in Albania on June 20, 2023. This attack by more than 1000 Albanian police is in clear violation of international law.
Albanian migrants who entered the UK illegally are being provided with fake wives and children so they can stay in the country in return for paying up to £30,000, an investigation has found.