you do it smart. you go to alaska. say all of those alaskan cruises, we ll boycott alaskan cruises. to go back where there s plenty of historical precedence, increase the court, putting an additional justice on for every far right justice approved. again, the longic doesn t matter logic doesn t matter. what the court looks at is precedence a. dent and there is precedent. one woman said she was an activist in the 60s and hadn t been active since then. when she heard about kennedy stepping down she literally got physically ill. the people you just saw don t even know who president trump is going to nominate. joining us now with reaction is the author of the upcoming book why we fight we re covering america s will to min. fox news national security sfratgist satisfy bass tan gorka, fox news contributor arry fliescher.
say all of those alaskan cruises, we ll boycott alaskan cruises. to go back where there s plenty of historical precedence, increase the court, putting an additional justice on for every far right justice approved. again, the longic doesn t matter logic doesn t matter. what the court looks at is precedence a. dent and there is precedent. one woman said she was an activist in the 60s and hadn t been active since then. when she heard about kennedy stepping down she literally got physically ill. the people you just saw don t even know who president trump is going to nominate. joining us now with reaction is the author of judge jeanine: joining us now with the reaction is the author of the upcoming book, why we fight, fox news national security strategist, sebastian gorka. former democratic congressman dennis kucinich, and fox news contributor ari fleischer. all right, guys, i want to reference that video that we