A mystery man, a beloved young police officer, an old fashioned gunfight and an angry mob a recipe for the one and only hanging in Moorhead, Minnesota.
Angry mob of 500 fails to lynch a cop killer in 1888, but he became the one and only person hanged in Clay County
A mystery man, a beloved young police officer, an old fashioned gunfight and an angry mob a recipe for the one and only hanging in Moorhead, Minnesota. 6:00 am, Jan. 13, 2021 ×
Clay County had its first and only hanging in 1888, when a mystery man shot and killed a beloved Moorhead police officer. Photos courtesy of the Historical and Cultural Society of Clay County
MOORHEAD We can’t know for sure, but the outrage on that fall day in 1888 in Fargo-Moorhead was most likely palpable. Citizens were up in arms when a beloved, young Moorhead police officer just 26 years old, a newlywed and father of a two-week old baby was gunned down on the streets of downtown.