Housing and Development Newsletter
“I am excited to join the CALM Board at this pivotal time. I think the organization has an important role to play in supporting community wide efforts to respond to the emerging mental health needs caused by the pandemic,” Clark said.
Clark has a long-standing connection with CALM in his role as president of the Bower Foundation, which provided critical funding of the Great Beginnings Program and ensures children and caregivers are provided the necessary therapeutic services prenatally through seven years of age.
In addition, the foundation’s investment in CALM’s mental health consultation model in Santa Barbara Unified School District and pediatric clinics throughout Santa Barbara County has supported thousands of children, families, teachers, and community members over the past several years.
Housing and Development Newsletter
By June 1970, CALM was formed with supporters (the Santa Barbara Medical Society Auxiliary, the local medical world, and residents) and yes! a grant from the Board of Supervisors allowing their nonprofit status.
CALM became the first child abuse prevention organization in the nation. Instead of removing abused children from homes and sending parents to jail, CALM supported abusive parents, who were also stressed and needed help.
Early on, the agency focused on four work efforts. Director Enid Pike and two assistants answered the 24-hour hotline phone (there were no cellphones or answering machines then) and referred callers to services, medical options and personal help. Trained volunteers dealt with traumatic problems and domestic violence.
Housing and Development Newsletter
In the near future, they will convene a formal strategy group comprised of staff and board members. “We are working as hard and as diligently as we ever have,” Yahyavi said. “We need the financial support of donors more than ever.”
CALM s re-opening planning is coordinated by their Senior Management Team.
CALM is conducting most services via telehealth at the present. However, they have clinicians available in all three offices (Santa Maria, Lompoc, Santa Barbara) to provide in-person services when clinically warranted.
As a trauma recovery service provider, CALM will always emphasize in-person services whenever safe and appropriate. However, they recognize that telehealth services will likely be part of their service delivery model going forward. As such, CALM is beginning discussions about how a tailored hybrid model of mental health service provision can best meet the needs of clients in 2021 and beyond.
» Santa Barbara Zoo: Offered a virtual tour of the zoo while it was closed
» Foodbank of Santa Barbara County: Created new ways of serving the community at 50 sites; restaurants are making meals that the Foodbank delivers to individuals
» Wilderness Youth Project: Offered playful and interactive group calls for children of all ages
» Alpha Resource Center: Created a virtual bulletin board as a great resource of information for families navigating these challenging times
» Mental Wellness Center: Operated a virtual program providing many support group opportunities and community resources
Celebrate Together
Now it’s time to celebrate your successes. Don’t forget that lessons learned are successes, too. Make your official “celebration list.” Find innovative ways to gather your team to applaud and honor all of your wins this past year.