right to release it. alan, i give great credit to alan, he knows much more than i do, but isn t this considered government information? no. doesn t the government that s why the state department sat of some of these other e-mails for so long. because they had to first determine whether they were classified or not. it s up to the people that she was working for to determine if they re classified. i m not sure she has ownership of these e-mails. that s an interesting point and the other point is maybe anthony weiner in the end has ownership of the e-mails because they were on his computer. imagine this election being in the hands of anthony weiner? i mean, my god, nobody wrote a novel about this, nobody would believe it. anthony weiner and billy bush, kerstin. i think the most surprising thing is anthony trusted his own wife to look at his laptop. but that s probably for another conversation. kiersten, look at the stories
tomorrow morning at 9:00 here on cnn. back with me, my panel. that was certainly a very interesting interview. what did you think about what the vice president said about anthony weiner? that was vintage biden, just saying what people think when weiner s name is mentioned. obviously there s something that predates any of the sexting scandals with weiner between ed bien and wiener. he was saying he never liked the guy to begin with. pure unvarnished biden and i don t think he totally had a grasp or was well briefed on the e-mail situation if you listened carefully, he didn t seem to know the latest. they can t release the e-mails because they contain e-mail information, right, alan? could contain classified information, alan, correct? probably not. they re probably the same e-mails that were previously produced and maybe it s all nothing but we can t know that
general of the united states. the deputy attorney going to jail. it involved the president of the united states lying about national security. it involved, as we all know, the most impeachable offenses. this is at worst, sloppiness, so donald trump has to be held responsible for his overexaggerations. i gotta go quickly. let me say a second, don, i there was in watergate in the white house and let me say this, 40 people 40 people were either indicted or went to jail or both. yeah. in watergate. there s been no one has been despite tindicted or gone to ja in all of this. mark i m way over but donald trump hitting her saying because she s saying it was sent to republicans and not democrats. semantics? semantics at this point. because the first letter it says to it was to the republicans. she s got a lot more things she s going to have to answer to, whether slipping a line in a news conference. thank you, everyone. when we come back with 11 days to go will today s
alan, stand by, everyone. coming up, vice president joe biden speaking to cnn about this whole e-mail mess and what he thinks of anthony weiner next. an opening night on broadway is kind of magic. i m beowulf boritt and i m a broadway set designer. when i started designing a bronx tale: the musical, i came up. .with this idea of four towers that were fire escapes. .essentially. i ll build a little model in photoshop and add these. .details in with a pen. i could never do that with a mac. i feel like my job is. .to put out there just enough detail to spur the audiences. .imagination to fill in all the blanks. this windows pc is amazing, having all of my tools. .right at my finger tips is incredible.
without reading them. david gergen what does that mean? that means there s extreme sloppiness between the clinton camp, how this e-mail was handled. allen de alan dershowtiz was right, they should have turned it over to the fbi and had it settled in july and not be in this quandary, but i think at the same time, while the fbi director did the right thing by sending the letter he had a responsibility to congress. he also has a responsibility to the american public, the american voters and to these candidates and that is that having announced this, he owes it to voters to provide as much to provide total information about how many e-mails are there, who wrote them, when were they written. the kind of that information should be easily available. he ought to have a report out to the american people within 72 hours. i think that s only fair. he cannot leave this thing