that s not bringing people together. there s one all right, alan, i want to bring up a couple remarks the mayor said and give you a chance to explain these. you can see how the officers feel slighted by the mayor. we had to train our son in how to take special care in any encounter with the police. he also said it s different for a white child. and he s referred to the history in this country. a lot of officers feel that s tagging them with some kind of taint of racism before they ve ever done anything wrong. he said special care with the police, then he said who are there to protect you. that part is often left out. he was clearly stating that the cops are the good guys who are there to protect the community. and that s an important part of that statement because he wasn t putting down the police. he wasn t being negative about the police. it s different if you re the parent of a white kid. if you re the parent of a black
child, what s happened in this city historically with blacks and the way they ve been treated by police f you ve seen what s happened all over this country. what parent isn t going to want to protect that person s child? alts the mayor of a city like new york city you re speaking out publicly and saying that in the wake of these tensions you do have to be careful about what you say, no? he said the police are there to protect you. that s an important part of the statement of what he said. by putting up banners, by turning your backs on the police, that s what s dividing the city. patrick lynch saying the mayor shouldn t attend funerals of slain police officers when officer ramos s family, one of those killed, said they want the mayor there. to say the mayor shouldn t appear to turn their backs on them, that s what s dividing the city right now. i agree the families should have the wishes as they choose them. no one can speak for them. alan colmes, good to see you, sir. as we see
the first time not overwhelming. manufacture those reenrolled from the federal insurance marketplace. the lackluster total puts republicans at a political crossroads. should the party accept obama care as a fact of life that it s here to stay or should it keep trying to witle away. alan combs, host of the alan combs show, a syndicated radio show host and a fox news contributor. hi. merry christmas. merry day after christmas. happy new year. thanks for being here. this is going to be interesting as we come up into the new year. supreme court challenge. some other things happening. let s start with you. what do you think? should republicans stop now and just accept? just keep trying to widdle away. you keep doing that, and you make that your agenda for the year 2015, and going forward, and they ll see how well you do in the upcoming election. yeah. i urge you to keep doing that. your side is hoping that we forget how much success republicans had in the midterm
we could have an answer by june. it could change the whole ballgame. again, look at every republican who won based on fighting against obama care. alan and his side hope we won t remember that, but we are, and republicans have a battle. what is the republican plan to help the millions of people who would be losing you eliminate the mandate. you don t make it against the law. you remove the mandate. that doesn t help the five million people. you can have health care reform, and you can help the five million people which as you know is a drop in the bucket. you guys have both touched on a major issue. obama care was a big issue, and then it kind of got taken over by international issues.
condemning that spending bill that passed in the house last night. some analysts say her stance on the budget battle could signal a big presidential run in 2016, so to win the democratic nomination, she may have to face hillary clinton who many consider to be a shoe-in. there s no shortage of support for senator warren. some past backers of president obama urging her to make a bid. alan combs, mike gallagher, syndicated radio show host, both fox news contributor. would this be your dream day if elizabeth warren, alan, announces she s running for president? i think there s a lot more to it than we see on the surface. it would actually be to hillary s benefit to have elizabeth warren. why? because it will make hillary seem like more of a centrist and appeal to a broader swath of the lakt rat. what about in the primary? the primary, again well, the primary will set up the general election. all the money is going to healthing hillary clinton. burney sanders, elizabeth