tony is saying don t rush things. okay let me sit back as i say good morning tony perk kins. today will be a good day we want to not jump to friday and the weekened. weekend will be fine as well let s give you weather headlines, even warmer today than yesterday, by a couple degrees we will take that. clouds will roll in late, some clouds out there already this morning but mostly sunny skies later. showers to our south, overnight and cool but dry weekend the way things are shaping up now. here in the district, 46, 47 quantico manassas, 34 degrees, 38 degrees baltimore martins burg west virginia, 36 degrees your forecast today, not a bad one at all even though we have clouds this morning and will see clouds roll in tonight today mostly sunny, beautiful afternoon, high 65 degrees. more about the weekend forecast coming up right now let s get you updated on traffic julie. we are still talking about the commute west, fair oaks, crash to the shoulder, crew in sky fox hoveri