Commissioner beltran is on her way. Commissioner benavides is absent. Commissioner brunzell here. Commissioner carney here. Commissioner ferris here. Commissioner hakimi is on our way. Commissioner liu is absent. Commissioner mccoy present. Commissioner mosley present. Commissioner rothschild here. Commissioner schnur here. Commissioner shelby present. Commissioner. Streicher. Present exofficio. Sue diamond is absent. We have quorum for todays meeting. Also for the record, director of Cultural Affairs ralph remington. Uh, Deputy Director of programs alex leifheit are in attendance. Thank you. Um, are there any agenda changes. Okay. Seeing none. Uh, now for some Public Meeting instructions. Um, id like to welcome all persons interested in this meeting to attend in person at city hall from 416. This meeting is airing live on spike tv two. Comcast 26, astound 26 and at t uverse 99. You may also view the live stream on webex. While this Technology Grants us better accessibility for individ
That goal. Also used very traditional enforcement included many directed Operations Supervisor mandelman mentioned and these directives enforcement operations are planned and target specific issues. Much of this directed operation come as a result of community feedback, city Agency Feedback and examination of high injury corridors. The Traffic Company did 164 directed operations between january and june. 57 percent focus on the 5 efforts and 41 percent focused in high injury corridor locations. Ime rur sure most have seen this before but the map on the left is the Vision Zero High Injury Network as of 2017. The places where the most serious traffic related injuries and fatalities occurred in the city. The map on the right is heat map of the collision locations over a 8 year period and as you see, most of the injuries remain true to the High Injury Network corridors. So, this map shows the traffic fatality crash loations from last year including the mode of transportation of victims. Ag
of three meetings, we will take them individually. the first, january 23, are there any additions or corrections to the minutes? move approval. second. any public comment on the minutes of 23 of january? hearing none, all those in favor? aye. opposed. the motion carries. secondly, the january 28 minutes of the regular meeting. are there any additions or corrections? second. public comment on the minutes of january 28. all in favour? aye. opposed? the motion carries. lastly, the minutes of january 30, which was the special budget hearing number four. any additions or corrections? move to approve. second. public comment on the minutes of january 30. all in favour? aye. opposed. the motion carries. next item, please. item 4 is general public comment. members of the public may address the commission on matters that are within the commission s jurisdiction and are not on today s agenda. president caen: so i have two speaker cards in front of me. the
The order of 20 million on a preliminary basis. More flexibility with Priest Reservoir supply and also hydro power benefits which are currently under evaluation. And so the schedule for this project would be essentially to begin our ceqa and nea process immediately. That would take a little over two years. In parallel, we would do our design process and also the rightofway accusations that are needed for the project for staging areas and access and we would expect to issue notice to proceed on construction in the spring of 2020. At that point, the contractor would mobilize and start doing the excavations necessary for the downstream control new portal at priest. They would do that work in isolation from the existing tunnel and then in 2021, which is our first shutdown, which is shown in red on that chart, we would tie that new downstream control facility into the existing tunnel. Now that is a 60day shutdown. If you recall, before we had that control, we have to drain Priest Reservoir.
Conveyance capacity benefits, operational flexibility, maintenance, reduction costs excuse me, reduction in maintenance and Operations Costs over the 100year life of the tunnel, expected to be on the order of 20 million on a preliminary basis. More flexibility with Priest Reservoir supply and also hydro power benefits which are currently under evaluation. And so the schedule for this project would be essentially to begin our ceqa and nea process immediately. That would take a little over two years. In parallel, we would do our design process and also the rightofway accusations that are needed for the project for staging areas and access and we would expect to issue notice to proceed on construction in the spring of 2020. At that point, the contractor would mobilize and start doing the excavations necessary for the downstream control new portal at priest. They would do that work in isolation from the existing tunnel and then in 2021, which is our first shutdown, which is shown in red on