by James Coulter Men dressed in buckskin and furs. Women in aprons and bonnets. Blacksmiths hammer away at red glowing iron fresh hot from the furnace. Bakers cook fresh bread in open clay ovens. Muskets firing. Arrows launched from longbows. All these things were common occurrences among settlers…
Alafia River Rendezvous Brings History To Life For 48th Year by James Coulter Nestled near the Alafia River within the Florida wilderness stands an encampment of several white canvased tents. Within the heart of this camp, several people dressed in rustic country clothing peruse a makeshift marketplace where traders showcase…
Alafia River Rendezvous Brings History To Life For 48th Year by James Coulter Nestled near the Alafia River within the Florida wilderness stands an encampment of several white canvased tents. Within the heart of this camp, several people dressed in rustic country clothing peruse a makeshift marketplace where traders showcase…