Our winter was mild and a lot of the marshes were open, which set up some unusual situations with waterfowl. Tundra swans in huge numbers entertained onlookers on the Feeder
Last week The Great Outdoors covered some ways to improve your nature photography, like learning your camera’s features and how to set them, the kind of equipment to invest in,
Spring officially arrived on Tuesday, but let s be honest: the whole winter of 2023-2024 was a modified spring, with a lack of big snow storms and fairly mild temperatures. I
Spring officially arrived on Tuesday, but let’s be honest: the whole winter of 2023-2024 was a modified spring, with a lack of big snow storms and fairly mild temperatures. I
The past few weeks in The Great Outdoors, I relayed my recent adventures photographing swans in the Alabama Swamps, and I was ready to move on to another subject when