According to Josh Pate of 247Sports, the dynamic duo of Dr. Matt Rhea and David Ballou is breaking up. Dr. Rhea is reportedly going to take a position with the New Orleans Saints, while Ballou is expected to stay at Alabama.
According to Josh Pate of 247Sports, the dynamic duo of Dr. Matt Rhea and David Ballou is breaking up. Dr. Rhea is reportedly going to take a position with the New Orleans Saints, while Ballou is expected to stay at Alabama.
According to Josh Pate of 247Sports, the dynamic duo of Dr. Matt Rhea and David Ballou is breaking up. Dr. Rhea is reportedly going to take a position with the New Orleans Saints, while Ballou is expected to stay at Alabama.
According to Josh Pate of 247Sports, the dynamic duo of Dr. Matt Rhea and David Ballou is breaking up. Dr. Rhea is reportedly going to take a position with the New Orleans Saints, while Ballou is expected to stay at Alabama.