The film's pre-release business is said to be going pretty well. Yes, Salaar's Nizam rights have been sold for Rs 90 cr. If the film earns Rs 55 cr share in Nizam, then it’s going to be a pretty deal for the buyers. Only then will the film not suffer losses.
On the other hand, there is a huge demand for Salaar's theatrical rights. According to our sources, the leading production house Mythri Movie Makers paid a whopping amount of Rs 60 Cr to bag the Nizam area's rights.
Some reports claimed that Salaar makers have earned around Rs 800 crore even before its release by selling its digital, theatrical, satellite and music rights.
Salaar is being made on a budget of Rs 200 Crore and is aiming for a theatrical release all over the world on September 23. The movie is now said to have made the highest-ever overseas deal for a whopping amount. Here is the detail of the same.
According to the available information from various sources, most of the production costs of Salaar have been recovered from the pre-release business for the Nizam area and the Overseas rights put together. Given the figures and the existing craze and following, the movie is going to be a lottery for producers.