The chairman and i talked about trying to reorganize communications. This week, we got rob neighbors to agree to come over to va, and he is going to be our leader of communications. So, under rob were going to have a congressional communications, communications with the vsos, external and internal communication. I want it integrated so were saying the same message. Thats not in an attempt to centralize. We talked about decentralizing so you can go to the subject Matter Expert and get the answer and it doesnt necessarily immediate to be cleared with one tip of the funnel. I think what has happened in the past is the organization has done that, theyve made everything go through one person, and when you do that, it obviously backs things up. And everybody should be capable enough to be able to answer, and i could ask your indulgence, you have to realize if you got a wrong answer, it may be temporary or may be incommence, but the person incompetence but the person is not trying to deceive