New Dewa substation boosts DIP power generation capacity
DUBAI, January 11, 2021 Dubai Investments Park (DIP) said it has increased the power generation capacity across the comnnunity by 16.66%, facilitating a total power load of 1050 megavolt-amperes (MVA), with the 7th energised Dubai Electricity & Water Authority (Dewa) substation. DIP, a wholly-owned unit of Dubai Investments, is the unique integrated commercial, industrial and residential community in the Middle East. As part of the ongoing strategic initiatives with Dewa, strengthening the grid and ensuring a reliable and efficient power supply, the 132/11 KV (Kilovolt) gas insulated switchgear [GIS] substation, located in DIP 1, is engineered to meet the needs of the industrial, commercial and residential sectors across DIP.