ASUO passed two resolutions during their weekly senate meeting. One prohibited future ASUO events from conflicting with the Native American Student Union Mother’s Day Powwow event. The other was a
Photo Illustration by Elizabeth Brockway/The Daily Beast/GettyPay Dirt is a weekly foray into the pigpen of political funding. Subscribe here to get it in your inbox every Thursday.It’s not often that a member of Congress faces backlash for a drug deal gone bad.In this case, the alleged deal doesn’t involve illicit substances changing hands. Rather, it concerns an alleged exchange of money and sway between now-Rep. Val Hoyle (D-OR) and the cofounders of a cannabis company called La Mota, one of
Monique DeSpain, the Republican candidate for Congress in Oregon s 4th district, held a press conference pointing out incumbent Val Hoyle s past meetings with La Mota executives, and called for the