consultant driven 1990 down consultant driven 1990s, two thousands 2,000 era get fat off of era media a f media and direct direct mail and not do efficient do efficient changes that are necessarychanges that are neces compete with the democrats. the aren t running campaig to c with theli democrats. the democrats aren t running campaigns like they wereke they. they are absolutel back in the day. they are. y aggressi velyabsolutely are. they re absolutely. and just brutally on every brutallyin on everynova innovation and law and everytio innovation start innovation and starting five. oncein you three sg a non501-cd fake non-profits that do profite fake nonprofits that do work the work of the democrats of the not innovating. we are not and we are l noteading. innovat. we ou are notr me leading. ssour messaging is notaging is device. l clear andau concise, stale. wera: it are s steal not t. st. well, by the way, we ar heartmatee not motivating the base. , laura: bymsnbc, the w weaye t
really unhappy. whe n thbutey i think they re sen ge really unhappy when they send out all fundraisingout all those fund letters and get letters and they get a biga bigo nothing in return.thin g in return. it s time to look for new leadership that willit s time t new leadership that will revitalize the rnc and help the party movec and help the party move to victory after victory in 2024. victoryand inthat would 2020 four. m ean and that wouldsuppor meantig our next guest. joining me now our next guest. hjoining mearme now,et d harmen rnc committeewomanc committee woman from california candidate for from california, candidate for rncrnh chair. aiand full disclosure, heartmatl disclosure harmeet i ve know ,i ve known you for about twenty five years. we both went to then same college you for about 25 years we both,n to law school year, a few we yearsnt to da younger than i am. rt nluckyot girl and the same law school you re a few , yearbn you. younand ige canr that be sayme. but i ve know
up tsinceo wethem are sin trad traditionally more friendly to more friendly towards the free enterprise system, to say the least, than democrats free enterprise system than the democrats. bu. t when the y sibutlenc whene they do thine silence our voters the way big tech does orrs the way big tech does or in this case kroger discri inminate a te kroger discriminate against our voters,our voters, they nee twice. because i am not going t they n twice because i certainly amdo not going to do and i ve been yearsand i ve been warning the years privately and i said it public privately, lyand i. that finally whe said itn yo publicly, that whene come here h and you expect us t expect us to defend you after yo defend you after youu atta attao our voters, my position is goingur voters my position is going to be i m toy that s happening to you. so rry th i wishat s you hap a. o well,yo i thinku the i wish you all the best. laura: it s not eve it sn an a sign of an openqu question ates all. tiont
wetogeth caner i dos whatju weo together is just anything anyth virtually anything. we l, virtually anything will construct a second fab here in phoenixl construct a se here in phoenix to build chips, to buildth chipsree na and three nano chips. no cthe three nanohips. the three nano chip. chips that are three chip chipst are three nano. you and you knowkn whatow i m saying? what i m saying. [laughter]. now? na, i don t. i n,no, no, i don t n knowo no-no. i don t know. . i like when lau hera: i li do the run, he points, this way? and a brownie points this way then does and to doesn t go the right way t and then hehe right way and runs off in the othe ru. diis itre is itction. is it just lau mera: orwas was heit j speakingust me or wa he speaking most of time w mostf one the time with one eyeey closed?l osedi think,. laura, many l timesaura many times i th i think the thought pattern, hise thought pattern, his train of thought. laura: caboose of thought. yeah, the trai
against aap. th class action lawsuite di against the apa. allor o right. f bothe director of boston genes gender clinic unwittingly gender clinic unwittingly reveals the dirty little secret reveals their dirty little secret about these strong drug about theses strong drugs downplayed as puberty blockersd. i worry that they re bein .g they re beinggiven given outou a lott likea cand, whichlot like candy which is great in some ways but it s al is greatso in like, some way. okabuty, wel it sl alsowy lik, you know, you need to have you need the te the conversation conversation. laura: she says great. she in saysso great. mein wa some waysys. it s not like they re life changing it s ramif noticationsi they re life changing ramifications involved with thesenvolved with these drugs or anything, no. i mean, once drugs you or anythe ncouno.rage i mean, once tr encourageansi transitioningtioning at any age is no guarantee that at you any is no guarantee that you canever rev evererse the me