resignation mount senator al franken is expected to make an anoint.. 32 of his democratic colleagues now say franken should step down. it comes as a sixth woman accuses him of inappropriate touching. more from cnn s mj lee on capitol hill. hey, boy, what a difference a day makes, senator al frannen under fire to resign from office. more than 30 senators saying he needs to resign amid growing allegations of sexual harassment. a group were talking about this for over a week an discussing ways to handle this matter and grew increasingly frustrated as they saw these stories pile up and in a devastating reality for senator franken, senator minority leader chuck schumer putting out a statement saying
welcome back. in case you missed it a lot can happen in 30 plus years. just ask mcply. he was the michael j. fox character back to the future. when he travels from 1985 back to 1955. he has to explain that a b. movie actor would become president of the united states. tell me, future boy, who is president of the united states in 1985? ronald reagan. the actor. hoe so vice preside, jerry lewis. think if he had gone forward to 2017 imagine his surprise when he discovery this man is united states senator from minnesota that being al frannen and then there s the chess
so tell me about the letters. who were they sent to and when were they sent? there were multiple letters whether al frannen, chuck schumer and five of their democrat colleagues in the senate wrote in february of 2012 and then again in march 2012 asking the irs to crack down on what they said political organizations who were set up as 501-c-4s. and we it though who they were targeting. they were americans for prosperi prosperity, cross roads gps, other tea party related organizations. it even goes back to 2010 where senator max baucus started to request the irs look and investigate these organizes. and in fact the wording they were using was calling for investigations. so in february 2012, you had chuck schumer and al franken saying does the irs plan to investigate or are they investigating these 501-c-4s. so within can say wasn t the irs doing exactly what senate democrats asked them to do.