term to 13 years and five months. upholding an appeal by prosecutors who challenge that his initial six year sentence was too lenient. the former olympian and double amputee was convicted in the shooting of hits girlfriend reva steenkamp in 2013. man accused of cold good has been captured. black opened fire during a traffic stop outside of dallas yesterday and later ardmore than 100 miles away. trooper day monday allen, we are sorry to say, died right there at the scene. he was husband and father of three people killed on thanksgiving day. he had been with the force since 2002. this is the second death for that department just this month. black is now facing a capital murder charge which, in texas, could carry the deatthedeath penalty. jillian: al franken apologizing once again for sexual misconducted saying he, quote, crossed line but still won t step down. instead the minnesota senator vowing to regain the voters trust this combings
senator al franken apologizing, saying in a statement, quote, i ve met tens of thousands of people and taken thousands of photographs. i m a warm person, i hug people. i ve learned from recent stories in some of these encounters i crossed a line for some women and i know any number is too many. the statement went on to say, quote, i feel terribly i have made some women feel badly. for that i am so sorry. franken apologized to his constituents and the entire state of minnesota for this scandal and says he is committed to regaining their trust. according to the star tribune, a spokesman for franken said yesterday the senator has no plans to resign. the apology comes as the huffington post reported two new allegations of inappropriate touching that occurred in 2008 and 2007. both women accused franken of
in addition the ethics committee is likely going to take up the allegations of harassment against minnesota senator al franken. many former supporters are asking him to step down and colleagues are calling for an investigation including the majority leader. as with all credible allegations i believe the ethics committee should review the matter regardless of party harassment is unacceptable in the workplace or anywhere else. the senate candidate roy moore. republicans are asking him to drop out of the race or saying he should be expelled if he wins. moore himself as you just heard is fighting fire with fire. i got a call and asked me to step down from the campaign. i want to tell you who needs to step down, that s mitch mcconnell. don t look for any of these cases to proceed quickly. many of the members who serve on this committee do so reluctantly, take their time
turning on the news it s just so i feel like i want to wash my hands, my eyes, everything. it is so sad we have these kind of conversations to have. but i think that we need to be able to trust the media and be able to trust the information that is coming forth that it doesn t have a political agenda. in the case of moore, it seems credible. there seems to be a lot of women. when there is a pattern like that when you see a lot of the same types of accusations from a lot of different women, it seems to indicate a pattern and they deserve to be believed. bill: leslie, i did not hear an eventual outcome for roy moore in your answer, rachel. perhaps that s for the people of alabama to decide. but let me just squeeze in leslie here. we had this tweet late last night from the president with regard to al franken. the picture is bad and speaks a thousand words. where do his hands go in
of montgomery. it is to have kayla and other women highlight what they say is moore s upstanding character. this event that we expect later on this morning comes as the latest fox news poll shows sliding support for moore among women. right now just 32% of women in the state prefer judge moore compared to 58% who say they like the democrat doug jones better. but the judge moore is hinting he thinks a lot of the negativity is being driven by a double standard. he wrote this yesterday. al franken admits guilt after photographic evidence of abuse surfaces. mitch mcconnell says let s investigate. in alabama zero evidence. mitch says more must quit immediately or be expelled. no hint anywhere there that moore is going to leave the race. bill: what about his opponent the democrat doug