Were just getting the same invisible and i havent. Said i reckon that they say. That its getting towards the middle east at the moment and it started in the town of no it didnt get me a military there is currently under attack at the moment theres a number of houses we believe was lost in and around that community weve got 3 strike teams sitting in with the community literally standing saw us all with our community at the beach front victorias premier looked towards the straining Defense Force for how well fibrosis tried to calm residents not just in mullah koussa but across the state but a number of communities are actually isolated and again this was a scenario that we forecast a number of days ago so our focus today is very much about how we can get in how we can support those 1000 packed communities. In the neighboring state of New South Wales scenes repeated the community of burma gooey kempt at the local surf club with the ocean is the excess and this was some thanks one day duri