of soviet affairs. i remember then secretary of defense cheney was someone who was able to debate and talk with even somebody as junior as i was at that time. bret: when plans were made to repel saddam hussein s invasion of kuwait, cheney argued behind closed doors on behalf of a powerful presidency. he didn t want president bush to go to congress. he didn t want him to go the united nations either because he didn t want bush s hands tied. bret: bush did both and go their endorsements. seems there is only going to be one outcome, his defeat. bret: desert storm perhaps the most successful military operation in modern history. the coalition left saddam hussein in power, cheney defended that controversial decision. bottom line question for me was, how many an al americans lives is saddam hussein worth? how many additional american lives is saddam hussein worth?
of soviet affairs. i remember then secretary of defense cheney was someone who was able to debate and talk with even somebody as junior as i was at that time. bret: when plans were made to repel saddam hussein s invasion of kuwait, cheney argued behind closed doors on behalf of a powerful presidency. he didn t want president bush to go to congress. he didn t want him to go the united nations either because he didn t want bush s hands tied. bret: bush did both and go their endorsements. seems there is only going to be one outcome, his defeat. bret: desert storm perhaps the most successful military operation in modern history. the coalition left saddam hussein in power, cheney defended that controversial decision. bottom line question for me was, how many an al americans lives is saddam hussein worth? how many additional american lives is saddam hussein worth? not very damn many.
i remember then secretary of defense cheney was someone who was able to debate and talk with even somebody as junior as i was at that time. bret: when plans were made to repel saddam hussein s invasion of kuwait, cheney argued behind closed doors on behalf of a powerful presidency. he didn t want president bush to go to congress. he didn t want him to go the united nations either because he didn t want bush s hands tied. bret: bush did both and go their endorsements. seems there is only going to be one outcome, his defeat. bret: desert storm perhaps the most successful military operation in modern history. the coalition left saddam hussein in power, cheney defended that controversial decision. bottom line question for me was, how many an al americans lives is saddam hussein worth? how many additional american lives is saddam hussein worth? not very damn many.