investigation, i want to get to the tennessee shooting in a minute. can you tell us about the latest plot in the u.k. to attack american military service members overseas. remember the season of ramadan, there are a lot of directives going out to attack kill military there s a u.k. plot that busted armed forces day, we had our july 4th plot in new york the same type of threat. now, this is similar to that in terms of an attack on military in the u.k. and these two individuals were getting ready to go to syria as well. it s just a every week we re hearing about one of these plots. we saw one successfully pulled off in charting into ga. the media has been focusing a lot on isis we re told today that abdulazeez was following al
websites and also mr. al alaki s inspirational sermons, that gets a lot closer to being inspired by radical islamists, whether you call them isis or al qaeda or whatever. you look at ways to try to prevent what happened in chattanooga intelligence comes into it. but then there s the other aspect. somebody who s battling mental illness. somebody who may have been a radicalized abroad. is there something you should have said abdulazeez should have popped up on some radar? this is the case we re most worried about we don t have a lot of warning signs, he has a mental state about him, he s very vulnerable to the propaganda that we re seeing from isis in other groups.
but this is certainly one more piece to this complicated puzzle. tonight investigators are focusing on how this man may have been a motivation behind the tennessee shooting spree. in writings examined by the fbi. abdulazeez as far back as 2013 wrote he agreed with some parts of the radical teachings. al alaki has inspired a recent series of terror attacks. including the shooting in paris in the boston marathon bombings. it s the preswitter inspiration. someone who would show up again and again in various attacks as being a figure who they looked upon as being inspirational and particularly authoritative. investigators have uncovered data found on abdul aseize cell
alaki, the radical cleric. does that surprise you that he was inspired by al qaeda, and not isis? not at all. he s probably one of the most inspiring figures over the internet he s the head of aquap in the arabian peninsula. he was an american associated with the 9/11 plot 9/11 hijackers. he really predates isis if you will the idea he s been memorialized as a saint almost in the radical jihad world. so it doesn t surprise me at all. this is the same guy that radicalized major hassan in ft. hood and countless others to conduct geehood, i think this link is significant. i ve been saying all along, certainly the least inspired plot we don t know if it was directed yet or not. but the fact is that if he s pulling up militant jihadist
case was apparently inspired at least in part by the american born al qaeda in the arabian peninsula, al alaki s teachings. this is a very deranged individual who committed a heinous act. and our thoughts and prayers to the families who suffered greatly, because of these killings. but to say that this was the result of a download from a rads cal cleric to say this was a result of visits to jordan who he may have encountered while he s in jordan we have to be careful to learn the facts before we jump to any kind of conclusion. we re not jumping to any conclusions. the facts as they re coming in they point to a picture of someone who apparently did have a history of depression maybe bipolar, maybe drug use, alcohol abuse. obviously, had some serious problems couldn t hold on to a job, but at the same time clearly at least according to