Akshay Oberoi, who was last seen in Judaa Hoke Bhi, has joined the cast of Fighter. The film brings together the on-screen pair of Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone together for the first time. It also stars Karan Singh Grover. The film is being directed by Siddharth Anand and will hit screens on January 25, 2024. The Free Press Journal caught up with Akshay for an exclusive chat.
Akshay Oberoi plays the protagonist in Judaa Hoke Bhi. The film is helmed by Vikram Bhatt and co-produced by Mahesh Bhatt. It has hit screens today (July 15). The Free Press Journal caught up with the actor for an exclusive tête-à-tête. Excerpts:
[EXCLUSIVE] Akshay Oberoi on controversies surrounding Madam Chief Minister: We never wanted to hurt anyone Updated Jan 22, 2021 | 08:27 IST
In an exclusive interaction with Times Now Digitial, Bollywood actor Akshay Oberoi opened up on his upcoming film Madam Chief Minister. The film also stars Richa Chadha in lead. Akshay Oberoi on controversies surrounding Madam Chief Minister 
Bollywood actor Akshay Oberoi is now all set for the release of his film, Madam Chief Minister. The flick stars Richa Chadha in lead and is inspired by the life of former Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Mayawati. The trailer of the film has already created a fuss everywhere. While most people have been impressed by the film, there has been some criticism as well.