Hindalco share price: The stock on Monday settled 2.70 per cent lower at Rs 484.05 on BSE. At this price, it has declined 4.86 per cent from its 52-week high of Rs 508.80, a level seen last week on September 14. Despite the said fall, the scrip has surged 34.91 per cent from its one-year low price of Rs 358.80, hit on September 28, 2022.
Top stock picks for today: Akshay Bhagwat on Monday told BT TV that investors can buy PNB for a target price of Rs 69, keeping a stop loss placed at Rs 63.9. The counter was last seen trading 2.23 per cent higher at Rs 68.33.
Top stocks: "The stock price has been in a stellar up move for the last couple of months and it may continue further. One can buy Cipla at current levels for target prices of Rs 1,318 and Rs 1,342. Stop loss for this trade would be Rs 1,218," Akshay Bhagwat told BT TV.
Akshay Bhagwat of JM Financial Services, states that the key level to keep track of for a short-term trend in the market is 19,600 on the Nifty. The market should trade within a range of 19,600 to 19,850 as long as this level is sustained. In terms of stock-specific momentum, he predicts a breakout for Chambal Fertilisers and sees momentum picking up in Granules India.
Volunteers treat an in jured bird at a camp in Vadodara on Thursday
Rajkot/Surat: A 21-year-old engineering student riding an Activa on 150 feet Ring Road in Rajkot city on Thursday fell prey to the deadly manja thread, which slit his neck leaving him severely bleeding from the wound on the road. He later succumbed at the hospital. Around 32 other people too received injuries on Uttarayan day.
According to sources, deceased Utsav Vyas, studying Diploma in Engineering in Mumbai and a resident of Nandanvan Vatika in Rajkot city was going towards Raiya Exchange circle on Friday when the incident happened. His father Chetan Vyas works in a private firm in Rajkot.