Google on Tuesday celebrated Indian poet Balamani Amma’s 113th birth anniversary through a doodle. She is known as the grandmother of Malayalam literature. Amma was the recipient of various awards and honours like the Padma Bhushan, India’s third highest civilian honour, in 1987; the Sahitya Akademi Award for Muthassi in 1965; the Saraswati Samman for Nivedyam in 1995, among
Adoor Gopalakrishnan
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Unnerved by an avalanche of criticism, ONV Cultural Academy headed by filmmaker Adoor Gopalakrishnan has decided to review the academy decision to honour Tamil poet and popular lyricist Vairamuthu with the year s prestigious ONV award.
Ever since the award announcement, criticism has been pouring in from several quarters, questioning the rationale behind honouring Vairamuthu against whom several women had raised sexual harassment allegations in the past. Following the recommendation of the award jury, the ONV Cultural Academy has decided to review the decision to present the award to Vairamuthu, said a one sentence communication sent out by Adoor Gopalakrishnan here on Friday. Adoor had initially played down the criticism by saying that the ONV Award for his creative contribution and the same should not be construed as a certificate for good conduct .
Leelavathy s important works include Varnaraji , Amruthamashnuthe , Malayala Kavitha Sahithya Charithram , Adipraroopangal Sahithyathil , Appuvinte Anweshanam , and Navatharangam .
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THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Noted critic M Leelavathy has been selected for this year s ONV literary award.
The award jury observed that Leelavathy, with her clear and creative style, stands out in the literary criticism genre in Malayalam literature. She had made noted contributions as a teacher, poet, biographer, and translator, it said.
The award comprises a statue, a citation, and a purse of Rs three lakh. ONV Cultural Academy chairman Adoor Gopalakrishnan informed that the award will be presented at her home in Kochi.