Monday, March 14, 2022 - Renowned media personality, Akisa Wandera, is off the market. The chocolate-skinned screen siren tied the knot with her boyfriend in a traditional wedding ceremony held in Busia County over the weekend. News of Wandera’s wedding was made public by her former colleague at KTN Mary Kilobi. “Congratulations Akisa Wandera. The day…
Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua confessed that he had a weakness of facing young girls and that he had to look down and shorten his speech in Murang'a school.
to approve a covid vaccine that fights both the original strain and the omicron variant. the taliban celebrate the first anniversary of their return to power in afghanistan but not everybody is cheering, especially women and girls. to kenya now where william ruto has been declared the winner of the presidential election. he s been the country s deputy president since 2013, first appointed by the outgoing president, uhuru kenyatta. it was a tight race. official results say mr ruto won 50.49 percent of the vote. raila odinga, kenya s former prime minister, won 48.85 percent. his supporters are disputing the result. songs and dance broke out at mr ruto s campaign headquarters after the result was announced. the bbc s akisa wandera was there. we have been camping here all day at the communication centre where many congregated and eagerly waited, the
country s first five president and is running for the fifth time. william ruto has been deputy president for ten years. canyons are struggling to cope with inflation and unemployment. both candidates have been accused of historical corruption. whoever wins, there s little hope here for significant change. akisa wandera, bbc news, central kenya. they ve gathered from the evidence the un says there s growing evidence in myanmar of crimes power in a coup last year. un investigators say they ve gathered growing evidence of crimes against humanity there, and are calling the abuses a systematic attack against a civilian population. in february last year, the country s military seized power, ousted the civilian government