Tamil actor Ajith Kumar while shooting an action sequence in Azerbaijan witnessed a near death car stunt pulled off by the actor. Recent the publicist of the film revealed shocking details. Read on to find more details. - Ajith Kumar s Car Stunt Takes a Scary Turn on Vidaa Muyarchi s Set, Shocking Details OUT
Why Did Thala Ajith Give 1 Lakh To Roadside Idly Bandi Vendor? Jan 21, 2021, 11:49 IST
Thala Ajith is a man with a gold heart. Ajith was shooting for his upcoming film Valimai in Hyderabad. Ajith happened to know that a roadside Idly vendor struggling a lot to pay his son fee. After the shoot, Ajith paid a visit to his shop. He used to regular visits to his shop for dinner and used to interact with him.
One fine day, Ajith has donated Rs One lakh to a roadside Idli seller in Hyderabad to help s child education. Ajith s kind gesture is winning the hearts on social media.