U.K.âs Green Ambitions Trail Europe in Sustainable Bond Market
Mar 06 2021, 6:29 PM
March 06 2021, 10:30 AM
March 06 2021, 6:29 PM
(Bloomberg) The U.K.âs late entry to the booming green debt market will leave it struggling to catch up with European peers, undermining ambitions for London to become a world leader in environmental finance.
(Bloomberg) The U.K.âs late entry to the booming green debt market will leave it struggling to catch up with European peers, undermining ambitions for London to become a world leader in environmental finance.
The British government will only sell its first green asset this summer, by which time Germany will have a whole yield curve of debt for investors. Spain will also beat it to a debut, following a record-breaking entrance from Italy this month, while France is the top issuer.
05 February 2021
The whole Imperial community is invited to get involved in a year of action on climate change and biodiversity loss.
The UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) will be a landmark event where people and societies, businesses and governments commit to reducing carbon emissions and preventing irreversible damage to the planet.
The upcoming conference will be hosted by the United Kingdom government and held in Glasgow in November 2021. It marks a pivotal moment for the world’s nations to reinvigorate their targets for tackling climate change.
As one of the world’s leading universities with an established record of influencing national and international policy, Imperial College London has a vital role in ensuring the UK’s leadership of the summit is based on sound scientific evidence and strong research foundations.
In 2018, exactly one century on from the 1918 flu pandemic, there was no shortage of articles warning us that we were due another world-altering disease crisis.
expert reaction to The Global Carbon Budget 2020
The Global Carbon Project 2020, the annual update on global carbon emissions and carbon sinks, has been released and is published in
Earth System Science Data.
This Roundup accompanied an SMC Briefing.
Dr Joeri Rogelj, Director of Research and Lecturer in Climate Change and the Environment, Grantham Institute, Imperial College London, said:
“The update highlights important consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic that have been overlooked until now. Emissions from cars, planes and industry are down, but deforestation emissions did not drop. On the contrary, reduced law enforcement because of the COVID pandemic might well have resulted in higher deforestation and fire emissions than would otherwise be the case.