At first sip, Bingo Beer Co.’s Dry Crispy delivers on exactly what its name promises. It’s bone dry and refreshing, with a touch of fruity character to counteract the oppressively hot and humid summers in and around its Richmond, Virginia home base. But what may not be readily apparent is the unconventional ingredient that enables
By Patricia A. ScheyerNKyTribune reporterAt the Independence city council meeting this week city Attorney Jack Gatlin read an ordinance for the first time containing a map amendment changing the
By Patricia A. ScheyerNKyTribune reporterFt Wright City Council voted to allow CAO Jill Cain Bailey to send an application to PDS for a text change to the zone in Ft Wright where entrepreneur Ga
“We weren’t ready to extend another lengthy lease over there,” owner Jay Bayer said. “I feel good about what all we accomplished. I feel like we’ve done everything we’ve set out to do.”
“For small brewers, this is a really, really big deal,” Brett Vassey, CEO of the Virginia Craft Brewers Guild, said of the group’s efforts to tweak the entrenched “three-tier system.”