The Special Investigation Team (SIT) formed to probe the cash-for-job scam of the Assam Public Service Commission (APSC) submitted its first supplementary charg
The SIT (Special Investigation Team) has collected the handwriting samples of the two arrested ASPs – Aishwarya Jibon Baruah and Shahjahan Sarkar –, video-graphed the collected handwriting samples and.
The noose has tightened around the two ASPs arrested for adopting illegal and unfair means in the (CCE)-2013, after an evidence was found against them during investigation into the case and they.
Even as the Special Investigation Team (SIT) conducting operations in the cash-for-job scam continued their drive against tainted officers, there are reports that many are on the run and evading.
The Special Investigation Team (SIT) arrested two ASPs (Additional Superintendents of Police) today in connection with the cash-for-job scam in the APSC (Assam Public Service Commission).