Airstream With Slide Out
have a nice comfycouch here and this couch will convertinto a murphy bedand i’ll show you how that works solocated on this end of the couch there’sa button that you pushwhich causes the sofa to flatten outand then you just pull the murphy beddownand there you go so the murphy bed ispretty bigi think that you could sleep on ineither direction but my feet are hangingoff the end of the bed this way i thinkyou mightreally need to lay this way to make itinto a queen sizebed i
A slide out panel on the driver’s side of the Atlas allows for a slightly roomier interior when the vehicle is parked overnight. Airstream has cleverly hidden a Murphy bed that pulls down from the wall of the pop-out panel, turning the Atlas’s living room into a roomy sleeping suite for two. With the bed stowed, a comfy couch provides a perfect space to relax and watch television; guests can relax in the driver’s or passenger’s seat, since both swivel around toward the living sp