“There’s always been a nexus between people who retire from our state and move to that area of Florida so we anticipate a lot of people coming and going to visit family and friends in West Virginia,” Ranieri said. “But it's also a new opportunity to bring people from that area of Florida to West Virginia for all of our tourism offerings.”
Deep inside Coonskin Park the woods are dense, with hiking trails leading off farther into the trees. Far from the driving range, clubhouse and pool, Jeremy Severn is sitting in
The Federal Aviation Administration held the first of two public scoping workshops Wednesday as it begins an Environmental Impact Study (EIS) to expand the runway at Charleston’s International Yeager Airport.
A group of about 50 people met at the trailhead of the Alice Knight Trail in Coonskin Park Sunday at the invitation of West Virginia Rivers and West Virginians for Public Lands. The group took a one mile hike to assess the potential impact on the park from a proposed expansion of Yeager Airports main runway.