Москвичка Алиса, которая не училась в школе, но тем не менее сдала в восемь лет единый государственый экзамен, не сможет в этом году бесплатно учиться в МГУ, следует из приказа о зачислении, опубликованном на сайте центральной приемной кимиссии вуза.
your secretary of state setting up a little server in chappaqua new york? is this a national security issue. we have new information about that in the book clinton cache that is coming out and tax mistakes that they ared a admitting to.cache that is coming out and tax mistakes that they are admitting to. let s talk about the earthquake in nepal. death toll is still rising. now over 3600 dead 6500 injured in the worst quake since 1934. reporter: flying into kathmandu on a plane full of turkish aid worker, it was quickly clear that after saturday s earthquake that these pal is bracing for worse to come. in the airport arrival hall we