BELLEVILLE A wrongful death suit alleges a nursing home patient suffered malnutrition, infected pressure ulcers and other neglect, contributing to her death.
Alexis Jackson, as administrator to collect for the Estate of Airiauna Edwards-Jackson, deceased, filed a complaint April 21 in the St. Clair County Circuit Court against Atrium Health Care & Rehabilitation Center of Cahokia LLc, Weiss Management Group Inc., Bria Health Services LLC, Christopher Glaub, L.P.N., and others, alleging wrongful death.
According to the complaint, Airiauna Edwards-Jackson was a resident of Atrium Health Care & Rehabilitation from Aug. 30, 2018, through March 25, 2019. The suit states she was a high risk for skin breakdown and was NPO and had a G tube in place for her nutrition. The plaintiff alleges that due to the defendant s negligent medical care of Edwards-Jackson, she suffered from 17 pressure ulcers and pulled out her G tube on multiple occasions,