democrats, just texans trying to help other texans and we think that s what it s all about. i m just grateful that the community come together, no race , no color, no prejudice any kind of way. just willing to help. neil: the president returning to texas today where he will witness firsthand the citizen army you ve heard so much about that as one neighbor helping another. charlie gasparino, perhaps there s a lesson in that for all of us. the american people are resilient. i lived through 9/11 in new york city i saw it firsthand. we saw what happened during sandy. for all of the crazy marchs of neo-nazis and all these other people, most american people are good, strong resilient and that s what makes this country great. there s really nothing else you could say. neil: it s just amazing to see again and again, people take it upon themselves to do stuff that we normally see the government doing or expected times. well they re neighbors.
all you liberal silicon valley friends? neil: to be fair there is an openness to that so adam you think the tax cut thing this will go through? no, i think it s going to be very difficult to go through. i think it s the right policies to pursue despite harvey. neil: meanwhile coming together at a time and need the people of texas are lifting each other up. is it time for politicians to look at that and in watching the exact same thing.
all of the money you wanted paid for itself 10 times over the big issue has spending has increased like crazy throughout the years. the bottom line if not now, it s never going to happen. you only have great opportunities and republicans have one right now as they have everything they own everything and if they don t do it now, come 2018, it s going to be divided again and nothing . i really am. i think that it s so insensitive for ken lingo to say that and the differences what s going on in texas and louisiana is a stabbing pain. they are in immediate crisis and fighting for survival. the rest of the country has been experiencing a dull ache of this chronic pain since 2008 they deserve relief from that. yes the types of pain might be completely different but one doesn t negate the other and if there s too much spending going on if we can t handle tax cuts and hurricane relief at the same time, then that is an utter failure of government.
dagen: jonas? just in time to move the inventory piling up at u.s. auto dealers. nail? dagen: thanks, everybody. neil president trump heading back to texas has survivors search for hope after harvey the president ledging $1 million of his own money to disaster relief and requesting billions in recovery funding. congress is looking at tens of billions overall. now, someone here says it s time for congress to deliver on all of that. welcome everybody. i m neil cavuto and republican governor chris christie telling me lawmakers better not mess with texas like they did with his state during sandy. the aid needs to be delivered and tying it to other things i think is a gross error, people livelihoods should not be tied whether or not the united states congress can responsibly get to a place where they could pay
amount of money presumably as those who did have such coverage and i m wonder wondering whether that kind of in discretion is something that will come back and bite taxpayers what do you think? well look when you use the term federal government we re talking taxpayer. that s who pays for all of this and as far as these people that did not follow i don t know if it s the rule of law or just something they should have done. you do it better next time. look these are outlier events. they don t happen very often, but when they do happen, there is somewhat i don t know if you call it a call of duty but we as americans all in the united states should gather around and try to get something done but these people need to help and i get the point about moral hazard so here is what you do. the state the city the mayor, you get together you see why it didn t work why 80% of the people does not have flood insurance that make sure the next time it s a different story neil: i wish we had more t